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The “Learn More” Email That Opens Up The Dialogue for Another Conversation

Scenario: When your first conversation didn’t uncover a lot of information
Contributor: Dave Kurlan, CEO of Kurlan & Associates, Author of Baseline Selling

If your first conversation didn’t uncover a lot of information, you can open up the dialogue to speak more about their challenges using this email.

Email Title

Hi [NAME],

Thanks for taking the time to share a little about [COMPANY], as well as the goals and challenges you face.

If you would like to learn how other companies are dealing with challenges like yours, I would be happy to schedule a call. We could also talk a bit more about your challenges and determine whether or not I might be able to offer some help.

If you would like to talk some more, use the convenient link below to directly schedule a time on the calendar for us to speak.

[Link to a calendar created using Meetings Tool]



What this email does well:
Focuses on making sure you can help them instead of selling
Makes it easy for them to get in touch and schedule a meeting






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