Tag: email templates
The “Non-Annoying Follow Up” Email That Builds Rapport
Scenario: Following up after a conversation and continuing the dialogueContributor: Amanda Holmes, CEO Chet Holmes International Amanda, her team of consultants, and her clients use this template every time they write a follow-up letter. Amanda suggests you send a follow up within an hour of your meeting.
The “Curious Why You Didn’t Buy” Email That Increased Conversion Rates by 1,100%
Scenario: When you give a demo but the prospect doesn’t purchaseContributor: Amanda Holmes, CEO Chet Holmes International This template was created when Amanda didn’t see the sales she expected after one of her webinars and was trying to figure out why. So she decided to ask.
Follow Up Best Practice: The Problem Statement Format
Scenario: You’re trying to find a way to structure your sales email.Contributor: Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of Breakthrough Email Many sales emails aren’t clear and don’t get the desired response from a prospect. This problem statement structure is a format you can use so your prospect understands what you are requesting.
The “Next Step” Email That Creates Urgency
Scenario: When you don’t know the next stepContributor: Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of Breakthrough Email You might’ve gotten a response to your email, or got on a call, but didn’t set up the next steps to keep the conversation going. These two emails can help you get back on track.
The “Learn More” Email That Opens Up The Dialogue for Another Conversation
Scenario: When your first conversation didn’t uncover a lot of informationContributor: Dave Kurlan, CEO of Kurlan & Associates, Author of Baseline Selling If your first conversation didn’t uncover a lot of information, you can open up the dialogue to speak more about their challenges using this email.
Follow Up Best Practice: Craft Email Messages That Build Better Rapport
Scenario: You want to build trust with your prospectContributor: Rachel Miller, Sandler Training There are a couple of things you can do to support good rapport as you try to convert the email exchange to a phone conversation. When an email comes in, and you’re ready to respond, mirror and match the way your prospect wrote the email.…
The “I Just Called You” Email That Gets an 80% Response Rate within 24 Hours
Scenario: After leaving a voicemailContributor: Colleen Francis, Owner of Engage Selling Solutions You tried calling, but your prospect didn’t pick up. To improve your chances of hearing back, send the follow-up email below immediately after leaving a voicemail, and specify a specific date and time for the next call. This works because clients aren’t always at their…
The “Still Interested?” Email That Closed a $100,000 Deal with a Client That Went Dark
Scenario: When a prospect goes dark and you get a notification showing they might be interested againContributor: Mack McGee, Executive VP & Principal at Groove Mack McGee was sure he would land a contract with a prestigious client, but they suddenly fell off the map. After multiple follow-ups and no response, he gave up. Nine months later,…
The “Congrats On the New Role” Email That Got a Prospect to Ask for a Meeting
Scenario: When you learn that the prospect is new in their roleContributor: Caroline Ostrander, Business Development Rep at HubSpot Caroline saw that a prospect had just started in their role and decided to reach out to immediately build rapport. The result? The prospect ended up asking her for a meeting.
First Touch Emails – Samples
The “Land a Meeting with Anyone” Email That Works 9 Out of 10 Times Scenario: You’re trying to find the decision-maker in the companyContributor: Bryan Kreuzberger, Founder of Breakthrough Email This first touch email leverages existing corporate hierarchies to schedule your first meeting. Nine times out of ten, this template is all I need to book…